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Outro/ intro: Outlawed.

Dear mother,

It saddens me that the beginning of my life ended yours,

I wish I’d known you by myself and not from the bits and pieces everyone always remembers that I don’t,I wish I knew your smile from your face and not the pictures,

I wish I knew the sound of your voice and I promise it would be a personal favorite,

I missed you on my first day of school and I miss you most on every birthday,I missed you on graduation but I know you were proud of me,.

I know Mother’s Day is not very appealing because I did this life thing without you by my side,

But you are a home,my home.

Thankyou for watching over me and being THERE for me

I may not see you or get to give you a hug

But never doubt that your love is something I feel in extremes.

You are beautiful

You are brave

You are home

Wishing you the happiest Mother’s Day,

With all my love,


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